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Prośby o tłumaczenia - melis72

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Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Turecki Artık ne yaşamak için sebebim ne ....
Artık ne yaşamak için sebebim ne de savaşmak için gücüm kalmadı.Seni son kez gördüm ve Türkiyeye gidiyorum ailemi de sonkez görüp doğduğum topraklarda yaşamıma son verceğim.Seni ve aileni tahmin bile edemeyeceğiniz kadar cok sevdim.Yanında geçirdiğim 5 gün benim tüm ömrüme bedeldi.Sakın üzülme senin hiç suçun yok bütün suç benim.Dilerim ki mutlu ol sevgilim.Ben olmasam bile hayat gülsün sana.Elveda aşkım."
"Sizleri cok seviyorum Allah hepinizi korusun ve dilerim hep mutlu olun."

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Angielski I no longer have a reason...
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski You, my latest love,
You, my latest love, will be my latest hope.
You will always stay as the one in my heart.
My soul arouses on your lips,
The biggest love I have ever experienced will be you.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński Tu, ultima mea dragoste
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski Only now I could find a chance to write a...
Only now I could find a chance to write a message
Thank you for your habitual support.
I will always be bond with you at heart and I will always love and respect you all."

The number which is recorded as ...... on your phone makes me really confused
Why is it still recorded like that?

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński Abia acum am reuÅŸit să îţi scriu .....
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski I still love Ioan and you as I used to....
I still love Ioan and you as I used to.
He has dreams and I don't want to waste his time in order to let him make them come true.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński ÃŽncă vă iubesc pe Ioan ÅŸi pe tine la fel ca înainte....
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski I have given the procuration to my ...
I have given the procuration to my mother because my permision from work was not long enough to deal with the selling of the house. And my mother put the money of the house in the bank, now she says to me that if I go, she will not give me the money. I am trying to persuade her.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński I-am făcut împuternicire mamei mele,..
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski You are the only person I want to meet ...
You are the only person I want to meet before I die.
I loved you before meeting you and I will always love you like that.
I can sacrifice my life away just for Ioan. I have done so many sacrificies for him that no one else can do and I can do it again.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński EÅŸti singura persoană pe care vreau să o întâlnesc ...
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski I wish I could live with you all
I wish I could live with you all

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński AÅŸ vrea să locuiesc cu voi toÅ£i.
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski Tomorrow, I will go back to Germany
Tomorrow, I will go back to Germany

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński Mâine mă întorc în Germania.
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski On friday, I called my family ....
On friday, I called my family in order to tell that I was going to Romania and to marry. And because my grandmother has hypertansion, her tension has risen up and she had a brain hemmorhage because of sadness. She is now in intensive care unit. If she dies, I will never forgive myself throughout my life.
I will go to Turkey tomorrow, please understand me.

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński Vineri, mi-am sunat familia...
Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".
Angielski When we are together, the house .....

When we are together, the house that we are going to buy will be undertook for us.
Come on Saturday because the boss has said that we have to work until 20:00 in weekdays and we are supposed to work. Then the time that we can see each other will be very short!

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Portugalski brazylijski Quando estivermos juntos.
Rumuński Când vom fi împreună, casa ...
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